What to do if you find an abandoned dog?

Unfortunately, it is likely that throughout our lives we will encounter an abandoned animal. There are many reasons why people abandon their animals and none is justified.

In 2018, more than 100,000 animals were abandoned. Having a furry friend comes with great responsibility that not many want to assume. But we are not here to talk about the decisions that lead to abandoning an animal in the middle of the street, the objective of this post is to know what procedure we should follow if we are in that situation and be able to help you in the best way.

No matter how much good intention we have, there are times that trying to help a dog, we scare them unintentionally and fail to get them close to us to be able to hold them. You also have to keep in mind that it could be a dog that has got lost or escaped and its owner may be looking for them. In any case, you have to know how to help them, although for these cases we recommend using the Wizapert application. Some dogs wear a collar with a tag where the dog’s name and a contact phone number are usually read. If the phone is up-to-date, you can tell the owner that you just found your dog.

· The best thing is for the dog to see that you are trustworthy, little by little, calmly and patiently, approach him with a bowl of water in case the dog needs to drink and some food.

· Ask for help, call an animal shelter or nearby association. You do not know if you are going to be able to grab the dog or not, so before doing anything, it is appropriate that you ask for help so that they can come as soon as possible while trying to hold it.

It is necessary to make a parenthesis to explain the difference between shelter and kennel. You need to know that not in all the municipalities the collection service is carried out by a shelter. You have to be careful, if you call the town hall or the police of that municipality, they could notice a kennel, where if time passes and the dogs have not been adopted they will sacrifice them.

· When approaching, you have to be patient. It may sound very obvious but it is necessary to point it out. Don’t chase the dog running, don’t yell or get nervous. It is better to keep a safe distance than to have them closer but scared and disoriented, let them see you and control you.

· You should be in a squatting position, crouching, do not stand in front of them or go towards them. If you can, put some food a meter away from you and wait for them to approach. If you are lucky and they move towards you, try putting it in your hand to see if they eat it. If they are afraid, do not talk to them, if you detect that they are afraid it is better that you do everything in silence.

· If they don’t approach you, follow them at a distance so you don’t lose sight of them. You should try to put a ribbon or leash around their neck, with great care and respect. If you have managed to make them eat from your hand it will be easier to slide it on their neck.

If they don’t have a tag or microchip you can take them to a veterinary clinic, as they will give us the information about our furry friend for free. You can also create an alert on an app or platform for lost pets, such as Wizapet.

Anyway, although the shelter may be the best option, many times they cannot accommodate the next puppy because they have all the spaces covered. Other options are:

  • Taking care of the dog financially while you spread that you have found it, or if you find someone you can adopt it.
  • Find a foster home while looking for a new home for them.
  • Adopt it.

Abandonment or loss is one of the most traumatic experiences that a domestic animal can live. Thanks to your involvement and desire to help, this may be less traumatic. From Bravery, we will always be in favour of adoption. The reality is that there are thousands of dogs waiting to be welcomed into a family that loves them and takes care of them as they deserve. It is a personal decision of each individual, but visiting an animal shelter as a volunteer, knowing the dogs there and looking them in the eye, helps you make a decision.


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